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Thu, Mar 23, 2023 @ 06:00 PM   $25   Newlab, 19 Morris Ave

Sign up for our awesome New York
Tech Events weekly email newsletter.
You will have the unique opportunity to meet climate tech founders, operators, enthusiasts, doers, innovators & solution providers, & openly discuss & seek resolutions to challenges faced by the industry. Whether you're looking to gather insight on the industry, showcase your technology, or to ask for guidance/feedback on problems you are facing today - this event is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact in this space.

Come be a part of the solution - let's shape the future of climate tech together.

Call for Speakers

People who have a climate tech-related problem they're working to solve.

Preferred problems are tech-focused (eg: I'm looking to electrify my fleet or I'm looking to limit my company's carbon emissions.) rather than marketing-focused (eg. I have an app, & I'm looking for users. Use my app!)

Call for Audience

You're currently working on products, solutions, or services within the climate tech space. Or, just interested in hearing about the latest in climate tech!


No dress code - come as you are! Flip flops & shorts are fine.

Audience Q&A is to better understand the Speaker's problem, not pitch your company or startup. With that in mind, we ask that audience members not mention the company they work for during Q&A. Feel free to follow up with speakers afterwards during the networking session if you have a viable solution!

$25.00 / person - (Cost is to cover sushi, drinks, & the venue)

6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Networking, sushi, drinks

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Each speaker will: Provide a quick summary of the climate-related problem they are facing (3 - 4 mins). Followed by live Q&A with the audience to better understand that problem (10 mins)
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Networking & follow-ups!
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