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With Meg Ray (Teacher in Residence, Cornell Tech), Lionel Bergeron (Tech Coach, NYCDOE), Carlos Leon (Code/Interactive), Gordon Smith (Founder, Codesters), Leigh Ann DeLyser (Dir. Edu & Research, CSNYC), Sean Stern (CS Teacher, AFSE).
Tue, Sep 27, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   WeWork Chelsea, 115 W 18th St, 2nd Fl

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We're kicking off the school year with a Nifty Assignments event, and we would love for you to join us!

Like the Nifty Assignments project at SIGCSE, our goal is to gather great CS assignments and share them with the CS ed community. We've asked members of the community to give five-minute presentations on their favorite CS assignments and share strategies and materials for others to adopt these assignments. You'll hear about creative and innovative assignments that cover a variety of topics for different ages and levels of experience.

Presenters include:

Lionel Bergeron, NYCDOE
Carlos Leon, C/I
Gordon Smith, Codesters
Meg Ray, Cornell Tech
Leigh Ann DeLyser, CSNYC
Sean Stern, AFSE

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