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With Edward Podojil (Data Scientist, Homejoy).
Sun, Feb 15, 2015 @ 04:00 PM   $150   General Assembly West, 10 E 21st St, 3rd Fl
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Edward Podojil Photo

Data Scientist,

About This Workshop

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language with many applications. This workshop explores Python's place in the scientific ecosystem, and how the language, with several readily-available open-source libraries, can serve as a powerful tool for data analysis. Designed as a stand-alone introduction to the data science aspects of Python, this class is also a recommended preparatory workshop for students planning to enroll in General Assembly's Data Science course.

Students who take this workshop and then subsequently enroll in GA's Data Science (DAT) course will receive a tuition credit towards DAT equal to what they paid for this workshop.

Prereqs & Preparation

  • Prior experience with Python. Completion of Learn Python the Hard Way before the workshop is highly recommended.

  • Familiarity with basics learned at

  • General technical savvy, and comfort with computers

  • Some prior experience with use of computers for analysis or repetitive tasks, such as Excel

  • Bring a laptop with Anaconda installed


  • Ability to use Python for basic data analysis tasks (data cleaning and reformatting, exploration,

  • Understanding of Python's role as a tool in the backend and analysis toolkits

  • Understanding of the possibilities opened up through a better understanding of Python

  • Greater preparedness for GA's Data Science course

About the Instructor

Edward Podojil Photo

Data Scientist,

Ed Podojil is the data scientist at Homejoy, a startup founded in San Francisco, CA. His primary responsibilities there revolve around data architecture, predictive analytics, and data education. On the side, Ed competes in Kaggle competitions, develops small, data-centric web applications, and occasionally writes in his blog.

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