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With founder/CEOs Aneto Okonkwo (Chatdesk), Crystal Etienne (Ruby Love), Liz Walsh (Strategy, Spotify), Enki Toto (Salesforce Ventures Impact Fund), Brandon Parkes (Dir., Gaingels), Einstein Ntim (Partner, Africa Future Fund).
Tue, Feb 21, 2023 @ 09:00 AM   FREE   SAP, 10 Hudson Yards

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Afro Future Summit Series- Home of the Afro Future Movement
Join the Afro Future Accelerator Program: A free course program that will cover several key themes & topics that include a practical mix of career strategy, personal development, & cultural programming

Home of the Afro Future Movement
Drawing thousands of the world's influencers, pioneers, creatives & more.
Afro Future Summit is the world's most iconic summit curating an active network of black futurists, investors, tech entrepreneurs, celebrities, politicians & business moguls. Each year the program gathers thousands of pioneers from across the USA & around the world to address & tackle challenges that affect the people of african descent.

Where Will You Be?
The Afro Future Movement is here. Join your tribe!
Afro Future Summit is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual (Live) program powered by the Global Startup Ecosystem (GSE). The 2022 Afro Future Summit edition was hosted in 2 series with the 1st part being hosted on February 28. The 2nd series was a live breakfast edition which brought together 100 live participant in New York, this edition was sponsored by Zendesk in partnership with SAP, Microsoft, Google Cloud, AWS, IBM Cloud, Hubspot, Sendgrid & More.

Join heads of states, pioneers, business moguls, media influencers & cultural activists for a day of full activations during the Afro Future festival celebration.
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