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With Rachel Mercer (Dir. Strategy, R/GA) & Nayantara Dutta (Trends Researcher, JWT Intelligence).
Wed, Sep 26, 2018 @ 06:30 PM   $10   R/GA, 450 W 33rd St, 12th Fl

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As strategists, we have to read a lot about trends -"audience trends", "content trends", "social media trends", "fashion trends", "top 5 Gen Z trends", "tech trends", "trends that you don't need to know", "twitter world wide trends", "New York trends","THE TRENDS OF TRENDS"TRENDS TRENDSTRENDS TRENDStrends tnreds tnresdfklasdfnoooosprilingtoendoftime.
BUT, have you ever wondered what's going on behind the scenes of all this "trend forecasting"? It kind of seems like a straight up dark art. Who determines what is & isn't at trend? Is there just a man behind a curtain? How do you know what's bullshit & what's right on point? Are trends self-fulfilling prophecies? What are some common trend cycles? Is trend fatigue real?Is there a tension between when the industry gets tired of a trend vs. when it becomes overexposed for real people? What are things strategists should check themselves on?
In this STRTGST event, we'll hear from the Rachel Mercer, Executive Strategy Director of R/GA & Nayantara Dutta, Trend Research at JWT Intelligence, as they demystify how trends are made, how they work & how (or how not) to use them.
Be ready to be turned on by how much they know about trends & challenged to think a little more crtically about them.
About the speakers
Rachel Mercer (Executive Strategy Director at R/GA)
Rachel Mercer is an award winning full-stack strategist & leader whose work is dedicated to guiding clients towards stability in a constantly shifting marketplace. She is currently anExecutive Strategy Director at R/GA.With a foundation in creative technology & design, Rachel has over a decade of experience both working in & leading multidisciplinary teams to create groundbreaking new products & communications in a client-service environment. Over her career, she's worked with complex organizations large & small to help them design products, campaigns, & experiences which transform their customer relationships. Shehas been named one of Forbes 30 Under 30, & one of The Drum's 50 women disrupting the status quo.
Nayantara Dutta (Trends Researcher at JWT Intellegence)
Nayantara is a trends researcher at JWT & created the trend report Unapologetically Muslim, which explores how Muslim women are a major untapped demographic for marketers. She is also anADCOLOR Rising Star Award Nominee 2018 & ColorComm Fellow 2018.
Dos Toros
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