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With Apple's new language SWIFT, you can write iOS apps in a language that is as elegant & easy for developers.
Tue, Jul 01, 2014 @ 10:30 AM   Not Known   TurnToTech, 184 5th Ave, 4th Fl

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First we have some really good news! Gone are the days when you had to learn complex Objective-C to write native iOS apps. Apple's new language SWIFT has dramatically improved the situation and now you can write iOS apps in a language that is as elegant and easy for developers as JavaScript, Ruby or Python!

TurnToTech is now accepting applications for its July batch!

Duration: July 8th, 2014 - Sept. 4th, 2014

Next Steps: After receiving your application TurnToTech will contact you within 2 business days.

Curriculum in brief

Ask for the detailed week by week plan when you visit us

12 weeks iOS mobile and cloud bootcamp
What's different about Mobile Development
Role of the cloud
iOS Architecture
Amazon EC2 architecture
Developing for the Device
Swift and Objective-C 2.0 programming
Mixing Swift and Objective-C
Learn all about Maps, Core-Data, Animation, Storing data in the Amazon cloud
3rd Party iOS frameworks : Facebook, Google maps
On-device storage using sqlite and core-data
Developing Back end Services
Designing services
Developing services using Java on Tomcat with MySQL Database
Deployment on Amazon Cloud ( EC2)
Tools for development
iOS ARM toolchain
Xcode, LLVM, Debugger
Xcode Instruments for memory analysis, performance analysis
Eclipse for Java development (using Amazon Web Services)
Techniques for debugging Java code in a server environment
Use github for source control
6 Weeks Internship on a real-world product
Choose projects from a few different categories - edu, healthcare, productivity
Work on real life applications
Get exposure to full Software Development Lifecycle using Agile methodology
Understand end-to-end software development process - this includes requirements management, system design, architecture, development, testing and versioning.
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