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With Eric Chen (Founder/CEO, Injective Labs).
Fri, Dec 02 @ 08:30 AM   FREE   Free Agency, 16 W 22nd St, 8th Fl

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Hey! So here's what we know: every Friday @ 8:30am sharp we're going to have an incredible founder who we chat with for ~20mins, followed by ~15mins of audience Q&A. We keep it tactical, honest, & interactive, so it feels a lot more like a conversation in a founder's living room than your typical gathering. Kept small by design.

Show flow:

8:30-8:50 | doors open & mingle

8:50-9:15 | moderated conversation

9:15-9:30 | founder crowd Q&A

9:30-9:35 | community (karma) asks

9:35-10:00 | hang around & meet other founders

@Free Agency, 16 W 22nd St, Floor 8

To see upcoming speakers + get on the secret invite list, go to

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Free Agency // Hollywood-style representation for top tech talent, and

ATeam // an invite-only network for the world's top independent developers, designers, & product leads to team up & build stellar software
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