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With Rajakumar Sampathkumar (Principal Technical Acct Mgr, Amazon AWS), Al Destefano (Cloud Governance Specialist, Amazon AWS).
Thu, Apr 18, 2024 @ 05:00 PM   FREE   Venue, 12 W 39th St

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Join us for a Amazon Q Meetup at the AWS NYC office in Bryant Park, on April 18, from 5:15 to 7:30 PM EST & see how generative AI tools can help make your life easier & help build. This event is part 1 of a series of 4, however the content for each of the events is designed to be standalone. You do not need to attend all 4 events & can attend any one event individually or in parts.

Talk: Amazon Q: Your new assistant for building with AWS
In this session, learn how Amazon Q is transforming the developer experience by speeding up a range of tasks as you research how to get started, evaluate system design, build secure & scalable applications, upgrade existing applications, & optimize application performance. Learn firsthand how Amazon Q capabilities for building, troubleshooting, & transforming applications faster & more easily frees you up to focus on experimentation & innovation.
Session will include a demo.


Rajakumar Sampathkumar
Rajakumar Sampathkumar is a Principal Technical Account Manager at AWS, providing customer guidance on business-technology alignment & supporting the reinvention of their cloud operation models & processes. He is passionate about data analytics, machine learning & generative AI. Raj is also a ML specialist & works with AWS customers to design, deploy, & manage their AWS workloads & architectures.
Al Destefano
Al Destefano is a Cloud Governance Specialist at AWS, providing guidance to customers on cloud operations, governance & migrations to the cloud. Al works with customers to setup their cloud environment, ensure oversight of critical resources & implement effective guardrails to mitigate risk. Al is passionate about Generative/Responsible AI, machine learning & expediting the customer journey of AWS service adoption.
Important instructions

Event starts at 5:30 pm EST, but please allow at least 15 minutes for security to process registration
There are two entrances tot he building, one on 38th st & one on 39th st. If you enter through 38th street, please follow the hallway to proceed to the reception in the front of the building where you can get registered
There is an optional networking & Q&A event at the event of the meetup
Light Food & beverage will be provided during the networking event
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