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Mon, Oct 09, 2017 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Galvanize New York, 315 Hudson St, 2nd Fl

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<P CLASS="label-primary"><STRONG>About the Event:</STRONG></P>
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<P>Have you wanted to code in JavaScript but dont know where to start? Do you manage developers who use JavaScript and you want to understand the language better?</P>
<P>This talk is designed for programming beginners who want a tour of programming basics. We'll discuss variables, data-types, and control flow. The concepts presented apply to nearly all programming languages, but we'll be using JavaScript's syntax for all concrete examples.</P>
<P>If you're a programmer who already speaks another language, and are looking for a tour of JS Syntax, this may interest you as well.</P>
<P><STRONG>What Youll Learn</STRONG>:</P>
<P>The basics of programming, including:</P>
<P> How JavaScript fits into the landscape of front-end languages</P>
<P> How JavaScript works in the browser</P>
<P> How JavaScript frameworks work</P>
<P>Beginner, no prior JavaScript knowledge needed</P>
<P><STRONG>What to Bring</STRONG>:</P>
<P>We will be working on hands-on activities, so bring your computer!</P>
<P>Want to find more Web Development-related events and workshops?Join<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="noopener noreferrer noopener nofollow noopener noreferrer nofollow nofollow noreferrer nofollow">Learn to Code New YorkMeetup</A>!</P>
<P><STRONG>About Galvanize:</STRONG></P>
<P>Galvanize is the premiere dynamic learning community for technology. With campuses located in booming technology sectors throughout the country, Galvanize provides a community for each the following:</P>
<P><EM>Education</EM>- part-time and full-time training in web development, data science, and data engineering</P>
<P><EM>Workspace</EM>- whether youre a freelancer, startup, or established business, we provide beautiful spaces with a community dedicated to support your companys growth</P>
<P><EM>Networking</EM>- events in the tech industry happen constantly in our campuses, ranging from popular Meetups to multi-day international conferences</P>
<P>To learn more about Galvanize, visit<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="noopener noreferrer noopener nofollow noopener noreferrer nofollow nofollow noreferrer nofollow"></A>.</P>
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