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With Stani Kulechov (Founder, AAVE), David Schwartz (CTO, Ripple), Guy Wuollet (Partner, a16z), Mirza Udin (Head of Biz Dev, Injective Labs), Ryan Lackey (CSO, Evertas), Colin Cunningham (Head of Biz Dev, Centrifuge), Victor Ionescu (CTO, Hashflow), Zara Dana (Chief Data Scientist, Snickerdoodle).
Sat, Mar 25, 2023 @ 10:00 AM   $199   Venue, Bushwick

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DEFICON - a charity fundraising conference for DeFi developers, users & enthusiasts. Any earnings go to local registered charities & the conference founders take no salary. Speakers are invited for their impact & knowledge in the field.

DeFiCon is a nonprofit conference with a mission to elevate the ethos of peer-to-peer crypto.
DeFi, crypto, & NFT communities consist of more than only profit maximalists, degens, gamblers, & ponzi apes - they are full of daring & creative innovators. Our ecosystem thrives on accessibility, participation, building, creativity, & even a little weirdness. Peer-to-peer crypto has & will become the evolution of human organization & the future of France, open to anyone & everyone who wants to contribute.

As a nonprofit conference, the focus shifts from maximizing profit to maximizing the experience for the attendees. We will donate all proceeds above the event's cost to charity while unifying the crypto community under one house. The goal is to ensure the value is found at our event & to inspire both new participants & people already familiar with DeFi.
Join DeFiCon's ecosystem event to hear from top protocols, investors, activists, creatives, builders, & more in August.
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