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With Lisa Tagliaferri (Engg Technical Writer, DigitalOcean) & Paul Burt (Community Mgr, CoreOS).
Tue, Jul 25, 2017 @ 06:15 PM   FREE   Digital Ocean, 101 Aves of Americas, 10th Fl
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WWCode events are intended for all women (trans & cis), trans men, & genderqueer folks who are interested in attending. We are emphatically queer & trans friendly & committed to matters of social justice as an organization. Select events may be open to the general public, which will be clearly noted in event descriptions. OurCode of Conductis in effect at all of our events. If you have any questions, please message the Directors of this chapter.


Description: LAPTOPS NEEDED! Macs + Linux preferred.

Learn what the back-end of dev is all about!

This workshop will be a collaboration between CoreOS & Digital Ocean. In it, we'll create a server on Digital Ocean, & walk through the practical setup of stuff like SSH, the init system, & more. We'll also explore Container technology (like Docker), & compare & contrast it with the classic style of development.

By the end of this 2-hour workshop, attendees should have a Digital Ocean server running a basic website. Our goal is also to provide a basic introduction to back-end philosophies & concepts, empowering attendees to continue to explore the space on their own.

This workshop requires a Mac or Linux based laptop, & very basic experience on the command line. Look forward to seeing you there!

Have a Windows computer?

Install WSL ( ORan Ubuntu (or similar) virtual machine.The main tool you'll need is an ssh client.


6:15 Arrive/Network/Food

6:30 Welcome from Women Who Code Organizers, Digital Ocean, & CoreOS

6:30-8:30 Work on backend!

8:30 Wrap up



Lisa Tagliaferri is a literary pythonista who writes programming tutorials as the Engineering Technical Writer at DigitalOcean. Moonlighting as a medievalist, she hasa PhD from the City University of New York.


Paul Burt is a Community Manager at CoreOS. Hes upvoting your /r/kubernetes threads & answering your #coreos questions on freeNode. Paul has a knack for & demystifying infrastructure, & making gnarly, complex topics approachable. He enjoys home brewing beer, reading independent comics, & yelling at his computer when it doesnt do what he wants.


Install Docker ( beforehand.

HOST:Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean is on a mission to simplify the complexity of web infrastructure. Were committed to building cutting edge products that are robust & reliable, yet maintain our signature simplicity & facilitate innovation. Were excited to see what the next generation of businesses & developers build on top of our cloud in 2017.

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