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With Kison Patel (CEO, M&A Science + DealRoom), Noah Obstfeld (VC & PE Partnerships, Deel), John Bova (J&T Capital), Brie Kluytenaar (Employment Partner, J&O Law), Erin Robertson (J&O Law).
Tue, Sep 24, 2024 @ 08:30 AM   FREE   Venue, 285 W Broadway, #630

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Team transitions & employee management can cause friction in an M&A deal if theyre not managed properly. Many times, the entire HR workflow & change management process is placed into the hands of Operations leaders or HR representatives who may not have the experience, background or expertise to manage such a high-stakes undertaking. The issues they face can include legal compliance audits, consolidation of payroll & benefits, company culture clashes, & employee integration. These & many other potential challenges can be pre-empted so the process runs smoothly & efficiently.nOn September 24th, Deel & J&O Law will be joining forces with private equity insiders to discuss the importance of Human Capital planning & tech-enabled services for successful integration & scale.nDate: Tuesday, September 24, 2024nTime: 8:30-10amnLocation: 285 West Broadway, #630nPanelistsnJohn A. Bova, President, J&T Capital & Advisory ServicesnKison Patel, CEO, M&A Science + DealRoomnNoah Obstfeld, VC & PE Partnerships Manager, DeelnBrie Kluytenaar, Employment Partner, J&O LawnErin Robertson, People Consultant + Moderator, J&O Law
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