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With Katie Claiborne (Data Analyst, Cityblock Health), Saf Momen (Head of Tech Strategy, OM1).
Wed, May 31, 2023 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Venue, 124 E 14th St, 9th Fl

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It's here! Our next dbt meetup is coming up & will be hosted at the Sigma NYC office:

124 E 14th St
9th Floor
New York, NY
We are looking forward to socializing & seeing all of the new & familiar faces!

dbt Meetups are networking events open to all folks working with data! Talks predominantly focus on community members' experience with dbt, however, you'll catch presentations on broader topics such as analytics engineering, data stacks, data ops, modeling, testing, & team structures.

Our venue has capacity limits, so please only RSVP if you intend to come & reach out to if you need to cancel last minute & change your RSVP status on the Meetup to "Not Going."

Join the dbt Slack community:
For the best Meetup experience, make sure to join the #local-nyc channel in dbt Slack (

Venue Host: Sigma Computing
Catering: TBD
Organizer: Brooklyn Data Co.

Agenda & additional details below:

6:30pm Intro remarks | Refreshments & Conversation
7:00-7:25 Saf Momen + Q&A
7:25-7:50 Katie Claiborne + Q&A
7:50-8:00pm Closing remarks
8:00-8:30 Reception & Networking on the rooftop (socializing, light food & refreshments )
Our Speakers [Talk titles to be announced soon!]

Katie Claiborne: Data Analyst at Cityblock Health
Saf Momen: Head of Tech Strategy, OM1
To attend, please read the Required Participation Language for In-Person Events with dbt Labs:
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