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<H3 STYLE="text-align: center;"><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow"><STRONG>The Realtime Marketing Lab 2015 Spring Tour</STRONG></A></H3>
<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><STRONG><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow"><IMG SRC="" ALT=""></A><BR></STRONG></P>
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<P STYLE="text-align: left;"><STRONG>1) This is not your older sister's social media conference.</STRONG></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: left;"><STRONG>2) We don't believe in panel discussions in which you don't learn anything.</STRONG></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: left;"><STRONG>3) We don't believe in charging exorbitant prices to both the sponsors and the attendees.</STRONG></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: left;"><STRONG>4) And we don't believe in making you fly across the country and have to get precious travel dollars allocated.</STRONG></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: left;"><STRONG>5) We are going on the road and bringing the event to <EM>you</EM>.</STRONG></P>
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<P STYLE="text-align: left;">We will actually be doing realtime marketing during the realtime marketing lab tour. We believe the best way to learn and experience the various tools and platforms available today is by putting them through their paces. We will be running a marketing campaign for a consumer product company one week before the tour, during the two weeks of the tour, and for one week after the tour. We will also be introducing a changing geographic and demographic environment into the tour as we travel from city to city, and will be analyzing and presenting how the campaign differs as we travel between locations.</P>
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<P STYLE="text-align: left;">Our participating companies will be demonstrating their platforms by performing realtime analysis of the campaign as it's occurring and providing input and recommendations to both the event organizers and the attendees on how we can best improve the campaign for our consumer product company.</P>
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<P STYLE="text-align: left;">The Realtime Marketing Lab tour has been designed from the ground up to be more focused on the tools and platforms of realtime marketing, and the companies that are creating them. We have designed and are promoting an atmosphere that feels more like a test bed and sandbox environment, where we want participants to feel at ease to get more hands on with the products and receive a deeper education about the variety platforms.</P>
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