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With Elosa Monot (Head of Sustainability, Amex), Emily Markey (Dir. Corporate Responsibility, Park Hotels), Eric Ricaurte (Founder, Greenview), Rishi Shah (Dir. Sustainability, Wyndham), Tom Mallet (Dir., Accor), Jeanne Varney (Cornell's Nolan School of Hotel Administration).
Wed, Jun 07, 2023 @ 09:00 AM   FREE   Online

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How Data Is Making an Impact

Join us for an informative session where we'll explore the benefits & challenges of sustainability benchmarking in the hospitality industry. We'll take a closer look at the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Indices, published by the Center for Hospitality Research & authored by Greenview, & discuss how operators, owners, franchisors, & travel buyers are using the indices to track & measure data in order to set & achieve sustainability goals.

You'll learn about the latest trends & best practices in sustainability benchmarking as well as how to come together as an industry to increase our impact. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights & take actionable steps toward a more sustainable future for the hospitality industry.

The benefits & challenges of sustainability benchmarking in the hospitality industry
How hotel brands & owners are tracking & measuring data to set & achieve sustainability goals
How to come together as an industry to increase our impact
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