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Mon, Jun 13, 2016 @ 07:00 PM   $35   Centre for Social Innovation, 601 W 26th St, Ste 325

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An effective partnership is critical in building momentum for your nonprofit or social enterprise. The right partnerships can make the world of a difference. It could mean avoiding the laborious task of door-to-door fundraising, having the resources to develop the programs you want, and being able to hire the staff you need. Partnerships create new opportunities you would have never dreamed of. But similar to dating, you need to find the right corporate partner that is the perfect match for your organization.

In this class we will dive deeper into the art and practice of building relationships with corporations that lead to monetary partnerships. We will cover how to build and nurture relationships with decision makers, the process of designing a tailored partnership, tactics for negotiation and how to close deals.


* What are corporate partnerships
* How to build effective partnerships for your organizations needs
* How to develop long-term relationships
* Approach for business development with corporations
* Tactics for outreach, follow up and closing deals


* Nonprofits and social enterprises looking for funding channels
* Anyone working in business development
* Anyone who wants to create revenue for their business
* Anyone who wants to learn how to build relationships
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