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Wed, Jun 08, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   $50   Noble Desktop, 594 Broadway, Ste 1202

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We understand that as a designer, you may not want to code. You may assume coding is too hard, or think its just not your cup of tea. But knowing how to code can be very empowering to designers. Let us demystify HTML/CSS so you can see that getting started is easy and coding can be fun to learn. You can do this!

Our goal is to show you the essentials of HTML and CSS code in a practical way so you can start writing and editing code right away. We don't want to bog you down with every tiny coding detail, but instead will focus on the concepts that will be useful for doing things a designer would want to do with code, such as wireframing up a design concept.

Even if you dont want to become a coder, becoming familiar with how webpages are built will allow you to better converse with programmers who translate your designs into code.

Check out the page you'll learn how to create in this seminar, even if you did not already know any HTML before! (Be sure to resize the window to see the page change.)

Join us for a 2-hour lecture-style seminar, in which youll learn how to:
Mark up (label) text and image content with HTML.
Style that content with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
Explore and use web fonts.
Use Twitter Bootstrap to wireframe an elegantly simple responsive page that adapts to mobile, tablet and desktop.

HTML and CSS have become the standard language of technology. Its becoming harder to get by without knowing them. They are the basic building blocks of all websites, eBooks and even some apps. From exploring typography, to wireframing responsive designs that adapt to different size screens, being able to do a bit of coding will make you more marketable and help you create better designs. We look forward to seeing you!
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