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With Katrina Nobles (Dir. Conflict Programs, Cornell ILR School), Liz Davis-Frost (Schienman Institute Fellow Conflict Programs, Cornell ILR School).
Thu, Feb 22, 2024 @ 01:00 PM   FREE   Venue, Cornell University

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Gaining Clarity During Conflict

When engaging in conflict, disagreement, or challenging conversations, it can often be instinctual to respond without fully understanding where the other party is coming from. Prioritizing one's response over another's perspective can lead to parties talking past each other & further entrenching themselves in their own position. Practicing & implementing the skill of deep listening, or focused listening, can help you truly understand another's perspective, leaving all parties feeling seen, heard, & understood while providing a space in which parties can gain clarity & co-create a path forward.

Join Katrina Nobles, Director of Conflict Programs at Cornell University's Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution, & Mediation & Training Extension Associate Liz Davis-Frost as they break down some techniques to help us be better-focused listeners. During Part One of this series, they'll discuss how the skill of deep listening can have a dramatic effect on collaboration & teamwork.

The differences among debate, discourse, diatribe, & dialogue
What deep listening is & how to apply the skill in different conflict settings
The ways in which deep listening can lead to better outcomes as part of a team
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