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With Ronald Bradford (Founder, Effective MySQL).
Wed, Apr 22, 2015 @ 06:30 PM   $5   Grovo, 3 Park Ave, 30th Fl

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When it comes to web performance we talk about compression, minifying, cache control, CDN, sprites, optimizing images and mobile friendly payloads. Why not apply the same techniques to how your application accesses your data? This presentation we will show you how you can make the same simple optimizations to improve performance accessing your data.

<a href="">Ronald Bradford(@RonaldBradford),Founder & CEOatEffective MySQL.Ronald is an experienced technologist with over 20 years of experience in several technology stacks. With a philosophy of continual improvement applied to improving performance and site reliability the results focus on providing the best customer experience. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and is a published author of four books.

We are atGrovoagain this month. And they will be sponsoring food and drinks!

As always, we are going to havegeekawayswith geekyprizessponsored byCatchpointand bookssponsored byO'Reilly!


6:30 - Arrive atGrovo, meet other members
6:45 - Event starts
7:00 -High Performance SQL and NoSQL(Ronald Bradford)
8:00 - Q&A
8:15 - "Books and Stuff" geekaways
8:30 - Open Discussion, Networking


3 Park Avenue
30th floor
New York,NY

Directions on Google Maps:

Entrance on StreetView:

Our Sponsors:

Akamaiis the leading cloud platform for helping enterprises provide secure, high-performing user experiences on any device, anywhere.

Instart Logicreplaces CDNs with intelligent streaming of web content. Users can interact with Web apps 2x faster, even for mobile devices.

New Relicis a software analytics company that makes sense of billions of metrics about millions of applications in real time.

Fastlyis the next generation in content delivery, designed to seamlessly integrate with your development stack.

Catchpointis sponsoring us by providing 10% discount to our members and geeky stuff to raffle off.

SOASTAs web and mobile app test automation solution enables developers, QA professionals, and IT Operations teams to test with unprecedented speed, scale and precision.

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