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You don't learn, then start. You start, then learn.
This is a mantra that Sahil Lavingia lives by. It's why he left his role as employee #2 at Pinterest in 2011 to begin a journey that led to Gumroad being the premier destination for creators to sell their products directly to audiences with quick, simple links -- no need for a storefront.
It was supposed to be a billion dollar business.
Until it wasn't.
Join us on Tuesday, April 16 to hear directly from Sahil & learn how to stop waiting & start doing -- & how to recover when your billion dollar idea turns out to be not so much.
Tickets for this event are $5 & include food & drinks, as well as exclusive access to this founder who's achieved founder stardom by making hard choices & remembering who his real stakeholders are.
You'll also meet dozens of other high-performing entrepreneurs who are creating their next big thing. Seriously, it's some of the best founder networking in the city.
Getting a ticket guarantees admission. No long lines outside in the cold. No waitlist. No wondering if you'll even get in.