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Tue, Sep 12, 2017 @ 08:45 PM   $75   GA NYC (Manhattan), Classrooms (3rd Floor) , 10 East 21st Street

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Andrew Cohen Photo

Founder ,

About This Class

Whether youre a CEO, CFO, COO, product manager, investor, or marketer, having a strong grasp of analytics and metrics is an essential tool to have at your disposal. In this class, youll learn how to use the right analytics to grow your business, motivate your team, and communicate a coherent story to stakeholders using hard numbers. Youll learn about revenue modeling, analytics tool evaluations, marketing unit economics, metrics-driven activity prioritization, and stakeholder communication using metrics.


  • Learn how to set up your financial model in a way that helps inform the types of metrics you need to collect.

  • Evaluate the various sources of analytics that are available to help you answer key business questions.

  • Establish a central metrics dashboard and a repeatable process for populating and analyzing that dashboard.

  • Optimize and scale marketing campaigns as profitably as possible.

  • Use your metrics to tell a great story to investors, team members, and customers.

About the Instructor

Andrew Cohen Photo

Founder ,

Andrew Cohen is the founder of Brainscape, a web & mobile education platform that helps people study more efficiently. In the product's first two years - with few resources - Brainscape has been adopted by several million students and has earned millions of dollars in revenue at a rapidly increasing rate. Brainscape has achieved this level of growth by mastering the processes of App Store Optimization and Business Metrics. They have created a data-driven growth approach that can help any type of company maximize eyeballs & conversions while helping tell a clearer story to all stakeholders. Andrew is eager to share his best practices while learning from students as well.

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