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With TechStars & Pitch event highlighting the best of the NYC startup world!
Tue, Aug 11, 2015 @ 07:00 PM   $10   AlleyNYC, 500 7th Ave, 17th Fl

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Submit your applications at by Sunday, August 2nd. has teamed with two prominent organizations in the startup community, Techstars and AlleyNYC, to co-host Pitch Night NYC, a pitch event designed to highlight the best of the startup world.

Pitch Night NYC is a special opportunity. We bring some of the top thought leaders in American startups together to evaluate the ideas of entrepreneurs who are pitching their businesses. We plan to put between eight to 10 entrepreneurs through the gauntlet each night, challenging them, supporting them and fostering their growth.

In the end, the winners will get to pitch their concept to the editors of, the largest and most respected online community for innovation and business creation
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