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Tue, Dec 12, 2023 @ 03:00 PM   FREE   Community Classrooms @ Pier 57, 25 11th Ave

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Tech Events weekly email newsletter.
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Pilot:New York City - Presentation of Report Recommendations

Hear Cornell Tech & NYCEDC discuss the Pilot:New York City report, a comprehensive plan to make New York the global hub of urban innovation, informed by 120+ stakeholder interviews.
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Pilot Pitchfest: Agency "Pitches" of Pilot Projects

Deliver a 2-minute pitch on your idea for an urban technology pilot in the City of New York (opportunity to pitch open to staff at New York City & State agencies)
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Pilot Pitchfest: Academic "Pitches" of Pilot Projects

Deliver a 2-minute pitch on your idea for an urban technology pilot in the City of New York (opportunity to pitch open to academic researchers (faculty, post-docs, & PhDs)
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Meet & Greet

Chat with potential collaborators on your Pilot Policy Studio application

You are invited to the launch of the Pilot Policy Studio, a new program to pair local government agencies with academics, to work together on urban technology pilots in the City of New York. The Studio was originally proposed in Pilot:New York City, a research-baked roadmap to grow the local urban innovation ecosystem, co-authored by Cornell Tech's Jacobs Urban Tech Hub & New York City Economic Development Corporation.

At the Pitchfest, we will give an overview of the Pilot:New York City report-and government agencies & academics are then invited to give ~2 minute pitches on specific urban technology pilot projects they hope to run in 2024. The goal is to create a low-stakes forum for agencies & academics to identify collaboration partners, & strengthen their applications to the Pilot Policy Studio, which includes up to $80,000 in funding.

Pitching a project at the event does not obligate you to participate in the Studio. All you need to "pitch" is one slide on your proposed pilot project (template here). The intent is to create space for people to share early ideas before applications are due on January 16th (agency application, academia application).

Key Things To Know

Our soft-launch of the program in early November sold out, so RSVP ASAP to the Pitchfest!
If you wish to pitch a pilot, you must submit a slide to by December 7th.
While we recommend in-person attendance, you can pitch or observe virtually if required. You will be asked to pick between virtual & in-person attendance while checking out.
Anyone can attend the Pilot Pitchfest as an observer but only academics & staff at government agencies are eligible to pitch.
If you are considering pitching, we strongly recommend you review the Pilot Policy Studio background document, which includes an FAQ, prior to attending the event. Feel free to reach out to with any additional questions
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