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With instructor Steve Friedman.
Tue, May 24, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Tekserve Studio, 119 W 23rd St

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<P><SPAN>Instructors:<A TARGET="_blank" HREF="" REL="nofollow">Steve Friedman</A></SPAN></P>
<P>Location: Tekserve (23rd Street and 6th Ave)</P>
<P>Price: Free admission, beer and snacks sponsored by Tekserve</P>
<P>Steve Friedman has been helping folks become better communicators for over 25 years. As an actor, director and communication coach, he helps clients make the most of "the pitch, the meeting, the short, become confident, powerful presenters and communicators.</P>
<P>Using techniques from the performing arts, he has helped people at established companies (JP MORGAN, UBS, AXA FINANCIAL, etc.) gain confidence, clarity and presence when communicating. Recently, he has been helping startups (ANDELA, MAKERBOT, NY START UP INSTITUTE, etc.) with similar issues. He has discovered there is<EM>even more of a need for this type of training in the start up world.</EM>All the youth, excitement and vitality that a start up world offers, won't see the light of day if the presenting team or individuals misses the mark when it's finally time to sell their wares at a pitch night or a boardroom or even a conference call. He strives to help folks make the most of their moment of impact.</P>
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