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Thu, Aug 03, 2017 @ 06:00 PM   $210   Rise New York, 43 W 23rd St

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<P><STRONG>Learn all about the ICO phenomenon. Learn what they are, how the law views them, how to evaluate and invest in them--if you even should.</STRONG><BR></P>
<P>What the media is saying:</P>
<P><EM>"Anyone whos anyone in tech today knows the three-letter acronym for jumbo-size fundraising: ICO."</EM></P>
<P>- Huffington Post, July 4, 2017<SPAN><BR></SPAN></P>
<P><EM>"Forget an IPO, Coin Offerings Are New Road to Startup Riches"</EM></P>
<P>- The Wall Street Journal, July 7, 2017</P>
<P>This event will have 3 presentations covering different aspects of the ICO phenomenon, ending with a debate on the pros and cons of this new fundraising mechanism.</P>
<P>Founding partners of <SPAN>Iterative Capital Management,</SPAN>Chris Dannen and Bradon Buchanan JD, will cover the following:</P>
<P>1. How the Law views ICOs:</P>
<P>Are ICO tokens securities? Are ICO companies running afoul of securities laws? Will the SEC come after the startups and founders offering them? If you are an investor, how can that affect you?</P>
<P>2. The varieties of ICOs:</P>
<P>Learn the difference between an appcoin and a blockchain token. How are the tokens created and distributed?<SPAN>What to look for in evaluating an ICO and what are some red flags.</SPAN></P>
<P>3. Is the ICO playing field fair:</P>
<P>Understand how different token sales are structured, including the percentages that go to founders vs what is offered to the public.Do big investors get <SPAN><SPAN>preferential</SPAN></SPAN>treatment? If yes, how much? Should you buy in an ICO or wait until the token hits an exchange?</P>
<P>We will end with a 20min, 1-on-1 debate arguing the motion: "Are ICOs Good?"</P>
<P><EM>Light food and drinks will be served.</EM></P>
<P>Schedule of event:</P>
<P>6pm: Networking</P>
<P>6:30pm: The Law and ICOs</P>
<P>7pm: The different kinds of ICOs</P>
<P>7:30pm: Is the ICO playing field fair?</P>
<P>8pm: Debate: "Are ICOs Good?"</P>
<P>8:30-9pm: Networking</P>
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<P>Chris Dannen is Founder and Managing Partner of Iterative Capital Management. He is the author of first 101-level Ethereum textbook Introducing Ethereum & Solidity. Chris is a former corporate strategist for Fortune 50 companies and a published business and technology writer focusing on enterprise technology.</P>
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<P>Brandon Buchanan is founder and managing partner of Iterative Capital Management with expertise in structuring financial products to invest in crypto assets. He was the COO & General Counsel of Compound (formerly Metamorphic Ventures) a venture capital fund, a former corporate lawyer at Gunderson Dettmer, and an M&A Banker at Credit Suisse AG.</P>
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<P><I><EM><SPAN CLASS="m_6999343630595786072gmail-s1"><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="noopener noreferrer noopener nofollow noopener noreferrer nofollow nofollow noreferrer nofollow">Rise New York</A></SPAN><SPAN CLASS="m_6999343630595786072gmail-s2">is a global community of startups and corporates creating the future of commerce and fintech by helping startups and entrepreneurs connect, co-create, and scale innovation. In partnership with Barclays, we listen, nurture and oxygenate through our international network of Rise hubs. Rise New York also houses a world-class event space and is home to the U.S. cohort of the Barclays Accelerator, powered by Techstars.</SPAN></EM></I></P>
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