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Storytelling is one of the oldest human skills, & it's just as relevant now as it was when we crowded around fires for warmth. Whether you're at a party, or a networking event, or pitching an idea to an audience, the ability to craft a compelling narrative draws people in & makes you more memorable. We often tend to think of stories as well prepared anecdotes or archived experiences that just need to be brushed off & delivered. However, often what's called for are simple, short soundbites that deliver key insights & interesting perspectives. In this workshop, we will explore basic story structure & principles, & experience the magic of building a story from scratch with a group.
Tuesday November 28th
Cre8ive Studios
Jay Wang is a corporate trainer & coach with more than a decade of experience helping individuals as well as teams communicate & collaborate more effectively. He has also performed & taught improv all around the world, in cities like Beijing, Belfast, Manila, Shanghai, Singapore, & most recently, Hanoi for Vietnam's first ever improv festival. Jay helped pioneer applied improvisation in China, using the foundation of Yes And to deliver groundbreaking & transformative workshops for multinationals, tech startups, & even state-owned enterprises! He currently resides in New York, where he is working on his next project of leveraging theater skills to help Asian Americans break through the bamboo ceiling.