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Refreshments + glimpse into 19-wk bootcamp transforming beginners into full-stack web developers.
Tue, Mar 08, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Dev Bootcamp, 48 Wall St, 15th Fl
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Curious about learning to code and giving your career a boost? Join us for refreshments and a glimpse into our 19-week bootcamp program that transforms beginners into full-stack web developers!

Thinking about switching careers and becoming a software developer? Dev Bootcamp is the original, short-term, immersive software development program that transforms those new to coding into job-ready, full-stack web developers. Our monthly open house gives you the inside scoop from Dev Bootcamp students, instructors, and alumni.

Hear from members of our community about why they chose Dev Bootcamp, what they learned, and what they do after. Hear from staff and instructors about our educational style, resources, and application process. Tour our space and imagine what it would be like to come here and solve problems, build things, and learn something new.
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