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With Tobias Citron (Primary Venture Partners), Colin Rogister (Beat Ventures).
Fri, Apr 05, 2024 @ 10:00 AM   $20   Venue, Noho

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The AI Furnace is hosting a coworking day in NYC for AI Founders + Operators.


Arrive + Cowork

Panel with VCs: State of AI Funding with Primary VC (Tobias Citron) & Beat Ventures (Colin Rogister)

Grab lunch with other founders + operators building out of NYC (lunch not included)



The AI Furnace is NYC's largest & most active AI community. It was started by AI founders, Angela Mascarenas & Hamza Zaveri, who were based in NYC & London & started the org to support fellow AI founders & operators building in local cities outside of Cerebral Valley (San Francisco). It has since grown to a global community of 12,000 AI founders, operators & researchers & has since opened up chapters in Boston & Dubai.
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