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With Justin McLeod (Founder/CEO, Hinge).
Thu, Jun 08, 2023 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Venue, To Be Announced

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Justin McLeod: Designing an app to be deleted

Justin McLeod is Founder & CEO at Hinge, the dating app designed to be deleted. After a few years in management consulting, he attended Harvard Business School, where he was inspired to follow his passion for connecting people. Justin founded Hinge in February 2011 with a mission to create real-life connections.

In September, 2015, Vanity Fair published an article titled Tinder & the Dawn of the Dating Apocalypse, a piece that explored an empty hook-up culture driven by mindless swiping on dating apps. This hit a nerve with Justin & the team at Hinge, & as a result, they decided to take a successful mainstream product, rebuild it from the ground up & create something completely new. In 2016, a rebranded & redesigned Hinge was launched with a focus on relationships & a belief that anyone looking for love should be able to find it.

Justin's vision for a more thoughtful experience resonated with singles & Match Group, which acquired the company in 2019. That same year, Hinge became the fastest-growing dating app in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, & Australia.

Let's dig in!
On June 8, learn how Justin & his team prioritize customer success, leading to a unique North Star metric & an approach to product development that has evolved over time. Hear about the failures that ultimately led to Hinge's success, & the balance they found between monetization & user experience. We'll also have a peak into his approach to work-life balance, setting boundaries, & disconnecting from social media.

The Schedule
6-6:30pm: Get here, eat pizza, make friends

6:30-7pm: Fireside chat with Justin McLeod, CEO & Founder of Hinge

7-7:30pm: Q&A

7:30-8:30pm: Finish the pizza, make more friends

8:30pm: End

Who's behind this?

Hustle Fund is an early stage venture firm that believes great founders can look like anyone & come from anywhere. We invest in startups all over the world & we'd love to see what you're building. Learn more about us.

Company Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm based in NYC. We invest in pre-seed & seed companies across all industry verticals with particular interest in digital health, financial services, & enterprise software. Learn more about us.

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