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With Lindsay Rider (Founder/CEO, The Overture Institute).
Tue, Feb 27, 2024 @ 09:30 AM   $45   The Yard, Columbus Circle, 33 W 60th St, 2nd Fl

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On Tuesday Feb 27th, a day where founders boost skills across everything about speaking & communicating with confidence.

"We've got a communication issue"

Learn how to use the most important business tool - your voice.

Understand the basic mechanics of body, breath & voice

Tips to improve connection & resilience in communication

Tips in communication - hacks for what trips us up the most

Free 1:1's with Lindsay - 3 lucky attendees will be chosen at random for a free 20 min sit down following the presentation.

Brainstorm with other founders on their top communication & confidence building do's & don'ts.

Network & work alongside fellow entrepreneurs, in an informal, yet professional environment.

Don't walk into a room of strangers. Receive intro's before the event, for 1:1's with attendees whose interests align with yours.
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