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With Iris Kraja (Cloud Application Architect, Amazon AWS), Jin Tan Ruan (AI/ML & Generative AI Prototyping Developer, Amazon AWS).
Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 05:00 PM   FREE   Venue, 12 W 39th St

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Join us for a Amazon Q Meetup at the AWS NYC office in Bryant Park, on April 29, from 5:15 to 7:30 PM EST & see how generative AI tools can help make your life easier & help build. This event is part 2 of a series of 4, however the content for each of the events is designed to be standalone. You do not need to attend all 4 events & can attend any one event individually or in parts.

Talk: Amazon Q Developer: your AWS Expert in your IDE
This session will show you how you can use Amazon Q Developer to transform the way you build, optimize, & create applications & workloads on AWS. We'll talk about prompt engineering best-practices, & how you can use Q to explain existing code & concepts, to refactor, optimize & fix code. We'll show examples how we can use Q Chat & inline prompts using CodeWhisperer to generate business logic code in Python & infrastructure as Code in AWS CDK.


Iris Kraja
Iris is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services based in New York City. She is passionate about helping customers design & build modern AWS cloud native solutions, with a keen interest in serverless technology, event-driven architectures & DevOps. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking & spending as much time as possible in nature.
Jin Tan Ruan
Jin is a AI/ML & Generative AI Prototyping Developer on the AWS Industries Prototyping & Customer Engineering (PACE) team, specializing in NLP & generative AI. He has a background in software development & holds nine AWS certifications. Jin supports AWS's largest industry customers across five different sectors: Automotive, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Energy, Manufacturing, & Media & Entertainment. He assists these customers in realizing their AI/ML & generative AI ambitions using the AWS platform. Jin earned a master's degree in Computer Science & Software Engineering from the University of Syracuse. Outside of work, he enjoys playing video games & delving into the exciting world of horror movies.
Important instructions

Event starts at 5:30 pm EST, but please allow at least 15 minutes for security to process registration
Please ensure that your meetup profile has your full name. Both first & last name are required & we will not be able to register attendees with just abbreviations or incomplete names.
There are two entrances to the building, one on 38th st & one on 39th st. If you enter through 38th street, please follow the hallway to proceed to the reception in the front of the building where you can get registered
There is an optional networking & Q&A event at the event of the meetup
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