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With Aidan Connolly (Founder/CEO, Idiro Analytics & AI Ethics Centre).
Wed, May 08, 2024 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Bank of Ireland Hub, 140 E 45th St, 2 Grand Central Tower

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GenAI, albeit a central theme in all business quarters & ranks, & while GenAI is becoming increasingly accessible to all in business, it is not yielding the return it aspires to do so. A sobering reality is that GenAI projects fail 80% of the time for companies. Why is that & how to be the 20% that experience measurable success from their investment in GenAI?

This session by AI thought leader Aidan Connolly, CEO & founder of Idiro Analytics & AI Ethics Centre, is a 'how to' capitalise on GenAI & leverage this data game to the maximum.
We look at what's your GenAI strategy, & the approaches taken by the 20% victors in GenAI, to increase the odds of success. Companies can greatly reduce their risk of failure by carefully navigating 6 critical steps:
REGULATION, SELECTION, DEVELOPMENT, ANALYSIS, ADOPTION, MANAGEMENT - processes that can help companies compete & survive in an increasingly AI-driven business landscape.

At Idiro Analytics, we believe that the future belongs to those who not only generate data but also intelligently harness its potential. Our mission is to be your partner in this journey, using our generative AI expertise to unlock new possibilities & propel your business towards unprecedented success.
Let's gather to learn, question, discuss, storytell, exchange use cases, scenarios & anecdotes over a glass of wine...while coming away with a factual toolkit for successful GenAI from a leader with over 20 years in the business of AI.
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