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With founder/CEOs Angela Mascarenas (AI Furnace), Andrew Kirk (Optimize AI), Brendon Geils (Athena Intelligence).
Wed, Sep 20, 2023 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Venue, To Be Announced

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Tech Events weekly email newsletter.

A monthly demo + happy hour spotlighting 3 local companies building GenAI companies in NYC

OptimizeAI - Generative AI-Driven Business Intelligence for SMB Owners (Andrew Kirk)

Athena Intelligence - Copilot for Enterprise Decision Making (Brendon Geils)

Note: We will be doing a same-day raffle to do 1 walk-on demo!


6pm - Arrive, get drinks + snacks, network

6:30pm -7:15PM - AI Demos

7:15pm - Networking


Interested in demo-ing at a future event? Apply, by filling out our form.
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