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With Li Deng (Chief AI Officer, Vatic), George Geh (CEO, China Institute), Dorinda Elliott (Dir., Harvard China Fund), Tom Orlik (Chief Economist, Bloomberg), Pin Ni (President, Wanxiang), Paul Triolo (China & Tech Policy Lead, Albright Stoneridge).
Tue, Oct 03, 2023 @ 09:00 AM   $275   Venue, 48 Wall St

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Register now & be a part of the 19th Executive Summit & discover unparalleled opportunities for the most timely & thought-provoking discussion on China's economy & the U.S.-China tech rivalry. Join top business executives & thought leaders from China & the U.S. as you network with 200+ attendees convening to exchange the insights you need with pragmatic conversation on how the Chinese economy will evolve over the next five years.

The Summit will take in the current geopolitical climate, competition in high tech sectors such as AI & EV, & how businesses can swiftly navigate the volatile environment to reduce risks & be successful.

For questions, please contact

About China Institute:

Founded in New York City in 1926 by American educators John Dewey, Paul Monroe, & Chinese diplomats Hu Shi () & Kuo Ping-Wen (), China Institute is an internationally-renowned U.S. nonprofit organization dedicated to deepening the world's understanding of China through programs in business, art, culture, cuisine, & education.
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