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With Netanel Baruch (CoFounder/CEO, Queue), Brad Zomick (Founder, Spectamur), Matt Cretzman (Founder, Stormbreaker Digital), David Berkowitz (Founder, AI Marketers Guild).
Thu, Apr 18, 2024 @ 05:30 PM   FREE   Venue, 1 Vanderbilt Ave

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In today's hyper-connected world, expertise alone isn't enough. To make a personal brand that has an impact, you need effective marketing strategies that will make your knowledge stand out. Come hear about tactical skills you can use to get an edge from our distinguished speakers. Plus, network with other experts in their field.


5:30: Arrival & Networking
6:20: Featured Speakers
7:10: Conclusion & Final Networking

Featured Speakers & Topics

Expect fast-paced, yet value-packed talks, surrounding the following topics -

Build a personal brand using AI without killing authenticity, with Netanel Baruch, CEO & Co-Founder of Queue, a start-up helping experts monetize their thought leadership at scale. Netanel has also served as the CMO at RestAR (acquired by Unit) & advised numerous high-tech start-ups such as Fixel, Zest, & Venn City.

Mastering a LinkedIn presence with Brad Zomick, founder of Spectamur, a LinkedIn thought leadership & audience growth shop. Brad has also served as VP of Marketing for numerous companies, such as Cumul, Forage, Degreed, & Pathgather. He most recently served as Head of Marketing at Brij.

Making online connections at scale with Matt Cretzman, Founder of Stormbreaker Digital, a growth marketing agency for brands looking to grow their online presence & drive more leads. Previously, Matt spent six years as a nonprofit founder in partnership with John Maxwell's EQUIP International, & serves as an advisor to Nexolution, Today is America, among others.

Video & podcasting starters playbook, with Kim Rittberg, Founder of Henry Street Media, an agency helping professionals become thought leaders & businesses become brands through video + podcasts. She most recently spoke at Fast Company Innovation Festival, & previously served in Executive video & marketing positions at Netflix, US Weekly, People, AT&T, among others.

Essential AI Marketing Lessons for Business Leaders with David Berkowitz, Founder of the AI Marketers Guild (AIMG), where he's empowering marketing professionals in the rapidly evolving field of AI & marketing. He formerly served in Executive Marketing positions at Mediaocean, Sysomos, Storyhunter, MRY, & icrossing.

Who Should Attend

Aspiring Thought Leaders Seeking Recognition & Exposure

About the Hosts & Sponsors

Queue is on a mission to help turn knowledge into business results at scale. What that looks like in practice are AI-powered tools that help experts who have incredible domain expertise - but without the time or know how - to effectively use thought leadership to achieve their goals.

Our sponsor, Greenberg Traurig LLP, is a leading international law firm, & helps guide early-stage & emerging technology companies & their investors through all the stages of development, from initial business formation, through angel or venture capital financing to initial public offerings & mergers & acquisitions. They understand the needs of entrepreneurs & early-stage investors, as well as the challenges they face.
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