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With Travis Kaufman (Refinery29), Margot Boyer-Dry (Poncho), Zach Feldman (Code & Design Academy), Ryan Rende (Moat) & Gregory Mazurek (Gilt).
Tue, Apr 28, 2015 @ 06:00 PM   $5   Refinery29, 225 Broadway, 23rd Fl

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*** Please note: You MUST register throughaolpresents.uncubed.comto attend. RSVPs through Meetup alone will not be valid. ***

Welcome to the Edge Live series, presented by Uncubed & Aol.


"One day Jobs came into the cubicle of Larry Kenyon, an engineer who was working on the Macintosh operating system, and complained that it was taking too long to boot up. Kenyon started to explain, but Jobs cut him off. 'If it could save a persons life, would you find a way to shave ten seconds off the boot time?' he asked. Jobs went to a whiteboard and showed that if there were 5 million people using the Mac, and it took 10 seconds extra to turn it on every day, that added up to 300 million or so hours per year that people would save, which was the equivalent of at least 100 lifetimes saved per year." -Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

We all have our hacks - those Photoshop shortcuts, Chrome plugins, keystrokes, and snippets of code - that we simply can't live without. Here's your chance to learn some new ones and share your own.

NYC never sleeps. Startups never sleep. We all need those 100 extra lifetimes per year.


Travis Kaufman
Senior Platform Engineer, Refinery29

Travis Kaufman, Senior Platform Engineer at Refinery29,is a javascript evangelist and lover of all things NodeJS. He's obsessed with front-end performance, bleeding edge technology, squeezing bytes out of network requests, and constantly pushing the boundaries of what the browser can do. With past experience at fast-growing startups like AppNexus and Updater, Travis currently works to build out Refinery29's analytics platform.

Zach Feldman
Co-Founder & Chief Academic Officer, NY Code & Design Academy

Zach is looking to change the world - one tech class at a time. At NYCDA, he implements new curriculum and classes, scouts out tech instructors (only the best of the best), and teaches his own courses on web development technologies. With years of development experience including gigs at Contently and Indaba Music, Zach's got a whole range of languages under his belt - JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Ruby, you name it!

Gregory Mazurek
Director of Engineering, Gilt

Greg, previously a Lead Software Engineer at Gilt, is now Director of Engineering at the company that turned retail on its head with its flash sales model. Greg is extremely involved in the NYC tech scene. He's been a lead presenter for various communities including the NY Front End Innovators Meetup, NY CSS Meetup, Responsive Web Design Meetup, as well as at WalkaboutNYC and on our very own Edge platform.

Ryan Rende
Head of Tech Recruiting, Moat

Ryan is a recruiting maven. He connects brilliant engineers, hackers, coders, and developers with the expanding tech scene in NYC as head of Technical Recruiting at Moat. The SaaS analytics company is transforming brand advertising online. Moat has developed cutting-edge methods of measuring the effectiveness of online advertising, computational methods for analyzing the resulting data, and a platform for accessing business insights from the data.



Legendary tech & media company, Aol., and NYC media & education startup, Uncubed, are joining forces to bring forward-thinking New Yorkers a monthly series offering front-line access to, and education from, the city's most innovative companies.

Drinks will be provided. RSVP ataolpresents.uncubed.comto attend.

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