David Yakobovitch presents:nInvestor Social: Tech Operators Coffee HournWhere NYC's startup operators gather.n Who's coming? The typical attendee profile is a mix of founders, Chief of Staff, Marketing Managers, Growth Managers, General Managers, heads of business functions, but all operators are welcome too.nWhether you're looking to expand partnerships, validate use cases & positioning, receive technical advice, facilitate hiring, or learn something new, you'll be in a collaborative community.nnAbout the hosts & sponsors:n David Yakobovitch is a 5X startup operator & VC (Currently: DataPower Ventures, Google) podcast host, & community builder. He's active in the NYC tech community & has hosted dinner mixers & happy hours for the tech community since 2020.nGet on the list for future events: Sign up Formnn*This event includes coffee as part of your membership networking fee. Sometimes a community fee facilitates our back office for tech events.