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For Founder's Interested in Software EngineeringnNYC Founders love software. But, learning the engineering is painful. The solution is obvious, you need a starting point.nAbout The Event:nOpen to any founder (and professional), this event is the starting point for entrepreneurs interested in incorporating software into their business.nThe Format: Networking + LecturenAgenda:nNetworking + Coffee + BreakfastnLecture + BusinessnMore NetworkingnCoffee, Sparkling Water, & Light Breakfast includednnLecture TopicsnLearning Software DevelopmentnCommunicating with EngineersnSoftware, Zero to OnenAlso Welcome:nBusiness Development nSoftware Engineers nMarketers nVCs/PE n nPrevious Lecture:nHow To Sell Yourself as a Software DevelopernGreat for any profession, learn to networknn Register Early !n Get in contact to sponsornnAbout the host:nJQ Creative is NYC's premier software development agency. We provide a full service from consulting, MVPs, & upgrading existing infrastructure.nContact: Jovan@JQCreative.co