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With Sir Mark Walport (Chief Science Advisor, UK Govt).
Thu, Jul 21, 2016 @ 04:00 PM   FREE   Caspary Auditorium, 1230 York Ave

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<P><SPAN>On</SPAN>July 21st 4pm<SPAN>, Sir Mark Walport,</SPAN>Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) and Head ofthe Government Office for Science<SPAN>for the UK government will be doing a live interview with the science policy podcast Science Soapbox. With Sir Walports extensive background in both medical science and policy, this is an excellent opportunity for the community to learn of his experiences and observations on providing scientific advice to high-ranking individuals with additional considerations beyond scientific reasoning.</SPAN><BR><SPAN></SPAN><BR><SPAN>This event is being organized in collaboration with the UK Science and Innovation Network, and the Science Education and Policy Association (SEPA).</SPAN><BR><SPAN></SPAN><BR><SPAN>Please RSVP by clicking the green register button above</SPAN></P>
<P><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow"><SPAN>Map of Rockefeller University Campus</SPAN></A></P>
<P><IMG ALT="Sir Mark Walport" SRC=""></P>
<P>Appointed as Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) and Head of Government Office for Science in 2013, Sir Mark is responsible for providing scientific advice to the Prime Minister and members of Cabinet, advising the government on aspects of policy on science and technology, and ensuring and improving the quality and use of scientific evidence and advice in government. He is co-chair of the Prime Ministers Council for Science and Technology (CST).<BR></P>
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