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With Roger Tsai (Head of UI/UX, Trumid).
Mon, Feb 26, 2024 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Hercules Cafe, 275 Bleecker St

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At this event Roger Tsai who has over 20 years in UX design, will review tips & tricks for adopting AI in the UX & product design processes.

This includes creating experience & workflow through deep learning around users & businesses & providing thought-out solutions
Delivering multi-channel experience, GUI & Conversational UI through user journey mapping, design standards, & relentless prototyping/testing
Explore innovative ideas & implement feasible concepts by materializing UX strategy & leading various design frameworks: Design Sprint, Design Thinking, Agile & WAgile, & Lean UX
Roger specializes in complex product & workforce design. His expertise relies on deep learning & analysis around target users, business values, industry trends, & potential technology leverage.

Hercules Cafe is allowing us to host the event at their location, let's support the venue by at least ordering one item off their menu.
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