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With Braxton McKee (Founder, Ufora), Patrick Barnert (CEO, Qumram), Alexandre Gaillard (CEO, InvestGlass), David Mordecai (Founder, Risk Economics), Peter Rudegeair (Wall Street Journal).
Thu, Jun 30, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   $20   WeWork FiDi, 85 Broad St

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<H3 CLASS="MsoNormal">An event in the Future of Money series</H3>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>The disruptive waves of FinTech innovations, startups and investments are rapidly transforming the financial world.</SPAN><SPAN CLASS="s1">Massive quantities of data are constantly aggregated - this data is typically cloudy and can be impossible to analyze without the right tools. Which systems can the industry embrace to leverage Big Data in order to grow value, unfurl, and accelerate?</SPAN></P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>The fourth event in our Future of Money series will host a cross-border panel of Swiss and American experts from both the industry and research, to discuss technological, innovative and entrepreneurial aspects that bring the FinTech industry to the next level. </SPAN></P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>Join us for this unique opportunity to learn about the newest innovations in Big Data Analytics and get prepared for the next major trends in the FinTech sector.</SPAN></P>
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<P><STRONG>When</STRONG>: June 30, 6:00 - 8:30 PM</P>
<P><STRONG>Where</STRONG>:85 Broad Street, New York, NY10004</P>
<P><EM>Moderated by<STRONG>Peter Rudegeair</STRONG>, Reporter at The Wall Street Journal</EM></P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><STRONG>Patrick Barnert</STRONG>, CEO | Qumram</P>
<P><STRONG>Alexandre Gaillard, </STRONG>CEO and founder | InvestGlass</P>
<P><STRONG>Braxton McKee,</STRONG> CEO and founder | Ufora</P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><STRONG><STRONG>David Mordecai, </STRONG></STRONG>President and founder | Risk Economics Inc.</P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>6:00 PM Registration</SPAN></P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>6.30 PM Welcome Address by Dr. Felix Moesner, CEO of <SPAN CLASS="spelle">swissnex</SPAN> Boston</SPAN></P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>6.35 PM Panelists' Introductions & Panel Discussion</SPAN></P>
<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN>7.35 PM Networking Reception</SPAN></P>
<H2>Speaker Bios</H2>
<P><STRONG>Peter Rudegeair</STRONG> is a staff reporter at The Wall Street Journal where he covers the intersection between finance and technology. Prior to joining the Journal in 2015, Peter worked as a reporter at Reuters News and as a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.</P>
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<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><STRONG>Patrick Barnert</STRONG> -Before becoming CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Qumram, Patrick Barnert has held a variety of senior-level corporate leadership positions, most recently senior vice president at OpenText, where he was responsible for $800 million global revenues. Barnert was co-founder and CEO of Unic, and he is a business angel for technology businesses in the USA and Canada.</P>
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<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><STRONG>Alexandre Gaillard</STRONG> is CEO and founder of Geneva-based InvestGlass SA. Fully aware of the speed and dynamism of the disruptive robo-advisor space, InvestGlass has designed a platform that uses algorithms to efficiently contextualize information for relationship managers and wealth managers. Gaillard also is co-founder and Vice President of Swiss FinteCH, and board member of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.</P>
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<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><STRONG>Braxton McKee</STRONG> is the technical lead and founder of Ufora, a software company that helps data scientists cope with the complexity of working with large datasets using an adaptively distributed, implicitly parallel runtime. Before founding Ufora with backing from Two Sigma Ventures and others, Braxton led the Credit Modeling team at Ellington Management Group, a multi-billion dollar mortgage hedge fund.</P>
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<P CLASS="MsoNormal"><SPAN><STRONG>David Mordecai</STRONG>, PhD, is scientist-in-residence for FinTech Innovation Lab, principal scientist at the RiskEcon Lab for Decision Metrics at NYU, and has been an adjunct professor in the Center for Data Science, an adjunct instructor in applied mathematics at Courant, as well as a fellow and advisory board member of its Mathematical Finance masters program. He co-founded Risk Economics Inc., an advisory firm specializing in the application of computational economics to scalable implementation of robust modeling and data analytic frameworks. He has served as advisor to the CFTC, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, and the U.S. Treasury.</SPAN></P>
<H3>Main Sponsors</H3>
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<H3>Partners (Boston & New York)</H3>
<P><STRONG>Is my registration/ticket transferable?</STRONG></P>
<P><SPAN>Tickets are personal and non-transferable. Tickets must be printed or presented in the Eventbrite application on a mobile device. Failing to present a valid ticket may lead to exclusion from the event.</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN><STRONG>What is the cancellation policy?</STRONG></SPAN></P>
<P CLASS="p1"><SPAN CLASS="s1">If you cancel more than 48 hours before the event, your ticket, minus the $2.09 eventbrite fee, is refundable. A cancellation made less than 48 hours in advance of the event is non-refundable.</SPAN></P>
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