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With Zain Hasan (Sr Developer Advocate, Weaviate) & David Wood (Co-Founder/CTO, Moonsift).
Tue, Feb 27, 2024 @ 01:00 PM   FREE   Online

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Multimodal search is increasing in popularity as a means to more intuitive user experiences. In ecommerce, multimodality lets shoppers discover items based on a diverse set of inputs, including images, audio, video, & text. Providing new ways to discover products helps teams improve search relevancy & deliver real-time, personalized recommendations.

Join Weaviate's Senior Developer Advocate Zain Hasan & Moonsift's CTO David Wood to explore the ins & outs of multimodal search & improving product discovery for ecommerce.

Attendees will learn:
How multimedia search & recommendations work with Weaviate
How Moonsift built an AI-powered shopping co-pilot to help shoppers find the products they love
How to incorporate a multimodal recommendation engine into your own application

Zain Hasan
Senior Developer Advocate, Weaviate

Zain Hasan is a senior ML developer advocate at Weaviate. An engineer & data scientist by training, he pursued his undergraduate & graduate work at the University of Toronto building artificially intelligent assistive technologies, then founded his company, VinciLabs in the digital health-tech space. More recently he practiced as a consultant senior data scientist in Toronto. Zain is passionate about the fields of machine learning, education, & public speaking.

David Wood
CTO & Co-founder, Moonsift
After completing a PhD applying machine learning to mapping the Fruit Fly brain in 2018, David worked on a data science project at fashion house Ted Baker where he became interested in applying machine learning to the problem of taste-driven discovery online. He since met Alex at Entrepreneur First in London & they founded Moonsift to solve this problem. He now lives in Edinburgh, Scotland & is keen on spending time in the outdoors.
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