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Fri, Dec 08, 2017 @ 04:00 PM   FREE   Starta Accelerator, 220 E 23rd St, 5th Fl

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StartaAccelerator is hosting a Startup Pitch Contest every Friday followed by networking at our office.

4:00 - 5:00 pm - Pitch Session: elevator (1 min) pitches from Starta Accelerator batch companies with short feedback & questions from the judges + opportunity for other startups to pitch & get feedback (with Startup Pass)
5:00 - Networking

Pitching startups:

To connect with us please contact us
Starta Accelerator launched the third batch of startups with East European R&D roots that are joining the acceleration program for an opportunity to gain traction & raise next round of funding in the United States. These companies were selected from the hundreds of applications. Only the best candidates with frontier technologies, traction in Europe & global product potential have been accepted.
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