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With Georg Petschnigg (CEO, FiftyThree), Simon Enever (CEO, Quip), Kane Hsieh (Co-founder, Brilliant Bicycles) & Marc Albanese (Co-founder, Smart Vision Labs).
Tue, Jun 02, 2015 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Microsoft HQ, 11 Times Square

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Dear hardwarians,

This month the stars have aligned in such a way that were having some of the most incredible speakers all converge at once at the next meetup. Dont miss what will be a truly memorable session!


6:00 - 6:15pm: arrival, pizza and beer

6:15 - 6:25pm: welcome and sponsors

6:25 - 6:40pm: Marc Albanese, cofounder ofSmart Vision Labs,a low cost smartphone accessory that can perform eye exams. They are working to make their technology accessible to the one billion people across the globe in need of eye care.

6:40- 6:55pm: Simon Enever, CEO ofQuipwill talk about theirbeautifully designed electric toothbrush and their approach for making oral care better and more convenient.

6:55 - 7:10pm:Kane Hsieh, cofounder of The Brilliant Bicycles Company, that make well crafted customizable bikes that get delivered to your doorstep.

7:10 - 7:25pm:Georg Petschnigg, CEO of FiftyThree, makers of Paper, Pencil and some other amazing tools for the creative space.

7:25pm - onwards: networking and community announcements.

See you all there!


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